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Summary, EPAG meeting, June 18th & 19th, 2024.

The meeting of the EPAG plenary group was held via remote link up and face-to-face on 18th & 19th June 2024, hosted by Cambridge Design Partnership, Cambridge, UK. Review of actions from the previous meeting and updates on the progress of work by the EPAG sub-teams were discussed. The Impactor sub-team, the Nasal sub-team, and the Dissolution sub-team progressed the work in line with their respective work plans. The financial status, the Website updates were reviewed. Cambridge Design Partnership presented two lectures covering the development of a device for ‘deep nasal drug delivery’ and a model used to study lung drug delivery. The meeting ended with outline plans for the remaining 2024 plenary meetings confirming the September meeting to be via remote link up that will be arranged and chaired by Hlack, (GW). The December meeting will be face-to-face at Edinburgh prior to DDL.