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Plenary Group

Each full member company of EPAG is represented on the Plenary Group. Meetings are held quarterly and cover the administrative aspects of EPAG such as fiscal updates, current membership statuses, previous meeting actions and future strategic plans. It is also an opportunity for the sub-team leaders to update the Plenary Group on their activities and bring proposals or requests for funding that require Plenary Group approval.

One important aspect of being a Plenary Group participant is ensuring that the member company supports EPAG objectives where possible. This can mean soliciting company input for regulatory guidance feedback, providing in-kind lab resources for the sub-team activities or hosting EPAG meetings at their offices.

The Plenary Group meetings are organized by the EPAG Chairperson, which is a rotating position filled by a Plenary Group member. Other important roles associated with the Plenary Group are Secretary, Treasurer, Regulatory Feedback Coordinator and Website Lead.



Project Title

  • Objective:
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sit amet mauris nec diam vestibulum tristique ut a augue. Vivamus nisl ante, ornare vitae aliquam faucibus, vulputate id urna.
  • Status:
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sit amet mauris nec diam vestibulum tristique ut a augue. Vivamus nisl ante, ornare vitae aliquam faucibus, vulputate id urna.

EPAG Meetings

Summary, EPAG meeting, December 10th, 2024.

The meeting of the EPAG plenary group was held via remote link up and face to face on 10th December 2024, at International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, UK, chaired by Eunice Costa, (Hovione). Review of the minutes and actions from the previous meeting and updates on the progress of work by the EPAG sub-teams were discussed. The Impactor sub-team, the Nasal sub-team, and the Dissolution sub-team progressed the work in line with their respective work plans. The financial status, the Website updates were reviewed. The 5 year plan and the constitution were reviewed and updated. There was a working lunch meeting with IPAC-RS members where general discussion on topics of mutual interest took place informally. The meeting ended with plans for the meetings over 2025.  

October 2nd 2024

The meeting of the meeting of the EPAG plenary group was held via remote link up on 2nd October 2024, hosted and chaired by Hlack Mohammed (GSK, UK). Review of the minutes and actions from the previous meeting and updates on the progress of work by the EPAG sub-teams were discussed. The Impactor sub-team, the Nasal sub-team, and the Dissolution sub-team progressed the work in line with their respective work plans. The financial status, the website updates were reviewed. An overview of the low global warming Propellants for MDIs under development was presented by James Murray (Orbita). The meeting ended with plans for the next face-to-face meeting on 10th December, 2024, in Edinburgh. 

June 18th & 19th 2024

The meeting of the EPAG plenary group was held via remote link up and face to face on 18th & 19th June 2024, hosted by Cambridge Design Partnership, Cambridge, UK. Review of actions from the previous meeting and updates on the progress of work by the EPAG sub-teams were discussed. The Impactor sub-team, the Nasal sub-team, and the Dissolution sub-team progressed the work in line with their respective work plans. The financial status, the Website updates were reviewed. Cambridge Design Partnership presented two lectures covering the development of a device for ‘deep nasal drug delivery’ and a model used to study lung drug delivery. The meeting ended with outline plans for the remaining 2024 plenary meetings confirming the September meeting to be via remote link up that will be arranged and chaired by Hlack, (GW). The December meeting will be face to face at Edinburgh prior to DDL.

March 20th 2024

The meeting of the EPAG plenary group was held via remote link-up on 20th March 2024, hosted and chaired by BI. Review of the actions from the previous meeting was followed by updates on the progress of work by the EPAG sub-teams. The impactor sub-team, the Nasal sub-team, and the Dissolution sub-team progressed the work in line with their respective work plans The financial status, the Website updates and the 5 year plan were reviewed. An invited lecture preseted by Floris was on the subject of the winning poster at DDl 2023. The meeting ended with outline plans for the 2024 plenary meetings confirming the June meeting to be face-to-face, hosted by Design Partnership. Cambridge. The Chairperson will be Sara, (Chiesi). The September meeting will be arranged and chaired by Hlack, (GW). The December meeting will be at Edinburgh prior to DDL.  

December 5th and 6th 2023

The meeting of the EPAG plenary group held face-to-face and via remote link up on 5th and 6th December 2023 at Edinburgh International Conference Centre. Review of actions from the previous meeting was followed by updates on the progress of work by the EPAG sub-teams. The Impactor sub-team, the Nasal sub-team, and the Dissolution sub-team progressed the work in line with their respective work plans. A working lunch meeting was held by the IPAC-RS and EPAG members, at the invitation of IPAC-RS, where EPAG presented an overview of EPAG and the work of its sub-teams. The Inhalation Magazine published the paper in the August issue summarising the history of achievements by EPAG. The financial status, the Website updates and the 5 year plan were reviewed. The meeting ended with outline plans for the 2024 plenary meetings confirming  the chairperson for each meeting. 

September 29th 2023

The meeting of the EPAG plenary group was held via remote link up on 29th September 2023. Review of actions from the previous meeting was followed by updates on the progress of work by the EPAG sub-teams. The Impactor sub-team, the Nasal sub-team, and the Dissolution sub-team progressed the work in line with their respective work plans.  The Inhalation Magazine published the paper in the August issue summarising the history and achievements by EPAG. The financial status and the Website updates were reviewed. The meeting ended with outline plans for the December 2023 plenary meetings confirming the chairperson.

July 23rd 2023

The meeting of the EPAG plenary group was held via remote link up on 5th July 2023. Review of actions from the previous meeting was followed by updates on the progress of work by the EPAG sub-teams. The Impactor sub-team, the Nasal sub-team, and the Dissolution sub-team, all presented the work progress in line with the plans. A publication for the Inhalation Magazine is in progress summarising the history and achievements of EPAG. The financial status and the Website updates were reviewed. The meeting ended with outline plans for the September and December 2023 plenary meetings confirming the chairperson for each.

March 22nd 2023

The meeting of the EPAG plenary was held via remote link up on 22nd March 2023. 

This meeting was attended by invited members of IPAC-RS, (Chairperson – Mike Needham, Vice-chair – Jen Wylie, and Secretary – Svetlana Lyapustina).

Review of actions from the previous meeting was followed by two invited presentations. One by IPAC-RS entitled “An Introductions to IPAC-RS” and the second entitled “Digital Inhalers Case Study & Lessons from Aircraft Crashes” by Mark-Milton Edwards, Teva. A detailed update on the progress of the work by the EPAG sub-teams followed. Impactor sub-team, the Nasal sub-team, and the Dissolution sub-team, all presented the work progress in line with the plans. A publication for the Inhalation Magazine is in progress summarising the history and achievements of EPAG. The financial status and the Website updates were reviewed. The meeting ended with outline plans for the future plenary meetings over 2023.

December 6th & 7th 2022

The meeting of the EPAG plenary group was held face-to-face via remote link up on the 6th and 7th of December 2022, at Edinburgh, UK.

Review of actions from the previous meeting was followed by an invited lecture presented by Tim Noakes, Koura Global. Updates on the progress of work by the EPAG sub-teams were presented and discussed including plans for the future work by each of the teams. The 5 year plan was reviewed and updated to include the topics of interest to EPAG as well as future planned work by the sub-teams. The sub-teams continue to make good progress.  A number of publications have resulted from the work that will be added to the EPAG website. A paper for publication in the Inhalation Magazine is in progress summarising the history and achievements of EPAG. A number of poster presentations at the DDL conference, December 2022, based on the work by the sub-teams were progressed. The financial status and the Website updates were reviewed. An increase in the annual membership fee was approved at the March meeting, which will be implemented from January 2023.

Membership Requirements

Plenary member companies develop new medicinal products for human use for Pulmonary or Nasal route of delivery intended to be used in the European Market. This does not explicitly mean that a plenary member company needs to sell, or be the MAA or IMPD holder of one of these products. Exceptions can be made based on significant contributions to the field.

New member company applications are reviewed by existing members and must follow the “Votes / Agreements / Decisions” principal of:

·        Any motion proposed requires a minimum of 50% plenary membership support, one vote per company
